ElephantMark was tasked with applying the Thomson Reuters brand guidelines to their entire Global Roles Framework for there Management. We built a desktop user interface system that was than rolled-out to other divisions and programs within the company after this as well.

ElephantMark worked with the internal team at Thomson Reuters to create a unique software application design for their existing roles software that was on brand. We created an interactive site for the Thomson Reuters managers to manage roles for employees, and to guide their employee’s career paths. This tool was the start of a number of software related HR management software projects we enjoyed working with for CWS-Software.


Joseph Maguire,
Art Director

Ksenia Maguire,

CWS Software


User Interface Design
User Experience

Art Direction


ElephantMark worked with the internal team at Thomson Reuters to create a unique software application design for their existing roles software that was on brand.

To create an interactive site for TR managers to give roles to employees, and to guide their employee’s career paths.


User Experience

Created a large-scale website with information-driven .pdf guides. We created the architecture and the UX which had an overwhelmingly positive response. This was the firs time the software firm for human resources division attempted to convert their software to an on-brand experience. We delivered, and it was filled with praise as a result.

Oversaw Interactive Application Development

We created a 20-page interactive application, using the TR brand guidelines. Focused on design and functionality for the user interface. Designed a set of hyperlinked PDF guides and worked alongside the testing development team while helping to architect several of the more comprehensive forms and systems.

A Clean Login Experience

We really prided ourselves on keeping the experience to be as clean and simple as possible. We wanted to incorporate as much white space throughout the site and its experiences as possible. 


The GRF dashboard included a header navigation that interacted in the same method as the current ( at the time ) header for Thomson Reuters. All colors, fonts, imagery, style sizes were largely sourced from their own brand-manual and image library.

Creative Services

With over 10 years of design experience, we can help provide a comprehensive design solution for you.