By: Joseph Maguire – Co-Owner of ElephantMark LLC.
We’re also pleased to share that we’re included in this year’s most creative agencies category. This article “Creative Agencies Share TK Design Solutions Websites Should Explore For Better User Engagement [DesignRush QuickSights]” will come out at the end of the month around 7/28/2022, so, for now, we’re just humbled as well to be included in this recognition.
In 2022 it’s more imperative than ever before to gain user attention and keep user retention through useful simple interfaces that both inform and provide a rewarded benefit for end-users experiences. In a world where with just a few swipes of our thumbs, we can connect with multiple ride-sharing providers and watch our driver’s position live through geosynchronous data, all in sync over the web. It’s fast, rich, informative, and filled with demanding capabilities required to appease the eager yet demanding expectations of the users. While Uber and Lyft may have set the bar, all those same users look at all other web applications with similar expectations. We might not all have the bigger corporations’ budgets to afford such user experience design, but now more than ever, we have to create web experiences for brands with the intent of capturing shorter attention spans, impressing users, and meeting user expectations in terms of speed, content, and quality of both the content and the user experience from start to finish. Planning for this can be the difference between a fledgling brand and a brand that can scale and lift off.

Regarding Avontuur, we created a simple interface for connecting with the travel agency. We encouraged multiple lead generation techniques and heavily leaned on storytelling to help bring the brand and its value to the forefront of inspiring potential customers to inquire about more information. We believe all businesses deploying lead generation experiences should keep it simple and focus on providing the content and valuable information that inspires and creates interest in asking more questions and inquiring for more details. If it sounds boring to you, it likely is boring to someone else. Inspire and hire a writer when in doubt, but ultimately, the concept from Kevin Costner’s classic Field of Dreams is true today as it was in that film. “Build it, and they will come.” It’s up to you to ensure they ask more questions and ask for more once they get there.