When setting up a site there’s so much to know and have experience with, let’s go over a problem I just faced as I recently changed domain names and updated our web presence. When you launch a website Google may or may not list your site if you have a lot of duplicate content. What is duplicate content? Well, tags, categories, author archives and more can store duplicate content that you may have on your site’s pages, posts and custom post type posts. What does this mean?
It means you need to do yourself a favor and check your site out at either siteliner.com and find out if you have duplicate content or look up https://www.seoreviewtools.com/duplicate-content-checker/ either of these sites will quickly provide you results about duplicate content. You want to nip this one in the bud when you re-launch a site or update an existing companies site.
I’ll be providing this service today simply for a number of our clients today and if you need to know how to do this yourself I have found a simple walk-through video that will help you below from My WordPress Pro:
The example video is for WordPress YOAST which you should be using if you’re a WordPress site. Please use this tip as SEO guidance:
Do not index: Categories, Tags, Project Tags, Post Tags, Archives, Category Archives. Follow the video if you have any questions!