Digital Illustration Quick Guide For Beginners

by | Feb 26, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Digital illustration is a skill for which demand has grown explosively in recent decades, whether for graphic novels or logo design. Indeed finding a person to complete a digital illustration project of just about any scale, mainly via the Internet, is perhaps more comfortable than ever. However, for those looking to begin their very own journey into digital illustration for themselves, there tend to be myriad doubts and concerns regarding one’s ability. 

This is compounded by the tendency to view established digital artists as somehow resourced or innately gifted in a way the observer may never be. With all this information in mind, the following is a quick digital illustration guide for beginners.

1. Computer

The first thing you will need when getting into digital illustration is a computer. A desktop or a laptop provided it meets the minimum system requirements, will do just fine. However, should your computer tend to leg or freeze very often, it is recommended to add more memory to it or replace it altogether. 

Should you go shopping to buy a new computer in person, be sure to inform the staff that you are specifically seeking a device that is compatible with digital art functions so that, they will be able to find the one that is best suited for this purpose. When it comes to memory, while 4 GB should suffice, eight or more GB is recommended to get the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to digital art. While Mac devices tend to be more commonly recommended for this purpose, your choosing Windows and other operating systems should be just fine as well. 

Drawing digitally on handheld devices like smartphones and tablets with a stylus adds an unprecedented level of flexibility, albeit at the cost of the full functionality and engagement a computer may be able to offer. In any case, the choice is yours when it comes to finding a device best suited for your digital art desires.

2. Software

The second thing you will need when getting into digital illustration is digital illustration software. This will provide the platform necessary to begin drawing digitally once you have chosen your desired device and commitment level. It is worth keeping in mind that quantity does not always equal quality. 

While representatives of more costly digital illustration software may attempt to entice you with the promise of advanced features and functionality, they may conveniently omit that these may not meet your particular needs or even be any easier to illustrate with. A bit of prior hands-on trial-and-error experience with the different options before choosing among them goes a long way in making the best possible choice.

The majority of paid software creators likely anticipated this in providing free trials, which have become more commonplace and even expected to allow potential customers to try it out and see how well-suited it may be for them. The software may contain animated explainer videos that help illustrate the process more clearly.

3. Pen Tablet

The third thing you will need when getting into digital illustration is a pen tablet. This device, upon being connected to the computer, allows you to draw digitally. Pen tablets will enable you to draw relatively smooth lines, making them a priority that many companies have duly capitalized upon. Much like the digital illustration software, the pen tablet’s feel should be ascertained before the purchase. Over time, the pen tablet tip will shorten and need to be eventually replaced.

4. Monitor

The fourth thing you will need when getting into digital illustration is a monitor. Should you happen to be pleased with the one you already have, a new purchase probably will not be necessary. Nonetheless, should you plan to purchase a new one, the bigger one is better, as a large screen will lower the tiredness.

Traditional drawing eventually depletes your supplies, forcing you to replace them periodically. Digital drawing eliminates this problem, proving itself to be the more cost-effective option. A computer of moderate performance can serve as a solid starting point for beginners before graduating to more suitable devices as necessary. Initial costs vary broadly based on devices desired, with a freeware- and pen tablet user saving more money than someone who buys a computer with more expensive software.

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