Structured Data Developer Cheat Sheet for WordPress
Like many of you, developers and designers out there we have encountered quite a few options out there for simplifying your SEO strategy. Our friends over at Bowst.com have developed a growing cheat sheet list that can help you test your structured Markup with Google and other testing tools. Check it out for yourself and bookmark their site at https://www.bowst.com/article/structured-data-cheat-sheet/
Check out their initial list here and bookmark their site follow them at their site for their updates!
Google Tools
Structured Data Markup Helper
Structured Data Testing ToolJSON-LD Generators
Other Tools
Yoast Cleanup tool for Google Tag Manager
Steal Our JSON-LDWordPress Plugins
Schema Pro
Markup (JSON-LD) structured in schema.org
DuracellTomi’s Google Tag Manager for WordPress